Pei Chen Chen
- janetchen@nchu.edu.tw
- 04-22840780-377
- http://www.pp.nchu.edu.tw/?page_id=991
Yi-Nian Chen, Dong-Hong Wu, Mei-Chun Chen, Pei-Chen Chen*. 2021. A Simple and Economic Method to Induce Sporulation of Pyricularia oryzae. Journal of Taiwan Agricultural Research. 台灣農業研究( J. Taiwan Agric. Res.) 70(1):1-10. C. Liang, C. W. Chiu, and P. J. Chen*. 2020. First Report of a Sheathoid Nematode (Hemicriconemoides strictathecatus) on Longan in Taiwan. Plant Disease. (accepted 2019, Nov.)張峻瑋、陳珮臻*。2020。台灣地區松材線蟲新紀錄種Bursaphelenchus rainulfi (Nematoda: Parasitaphelenchidae)鑑定及其病原性探討。 J. Plant Med 62(3):31-39.陳繹年、陳珮臻*。2020。被忽略的稻熱病初次感染源『帶病秧苗』。 J. Plant Med 62(2):13-16.王文宏、陳珮臻*。2020。台灣菊花田間植物寄生性線蟲調查及鑑定兩個新紀錄種。 J. Plant Med 62(2):1-12.陳瀅淳、徐榮愷、林昱岑、陳珮臻*。2020。三個不同生態位線蟲族群其生物特性與藥劑感受性的關聯性。 J. Plant Med 62(1):13-20.H. Wang and P. J. Chen*. 2020. First report of a pin nematode (Paratylenchus dianthus) on Chrysanthemum in Taiwan. Plant Disease 104(3):995-995.葉耀仁、蔡東纂、陳珮臻。2018。13種殺菌劑和7種除草劑對三種土壤線蟲的影響。植物醫學60(1):33-40Ying-Yu Chen, Pei-Chen Chen, Tung-Tsuan Tsay. 2016. The biocontrol efficacy and antibiotic activity of Streptomyces plicatus on the oomycete Phytophthora capsici. Biological Control 98:34-42.Guan-Long Wu, Tzu-Hao Kuo, Tung-Tsuan Tsay, Isheng Tsai, Peichen J Chen. 2016. Glycoside Hydrolase (GH) 45 and 5 Candidate Cellulases in Aphelenchoides besseyi Isolated from Bird’s-Nest Fern. PLoS One 11(7):e0158663Hsiu-Yu Chan, Jyh-Herng Yen, Diann-Yih Chen, Tung-Tsuan Tsay, Peichen Chen. 2016. The occurrence, identification and ecological studies of the cactus nematode from dragon fruit crops in Taiwan. J. Plant Med 58:25-31.Huang, S.Y., Tsay, T.T., Yen, J. H. and Chen, P.C. 2015. The survey of nematode species on the aquatic plants in Taiwan. Plant Pathology Bulletin 24:37-52.李彥廷、蔡東纂、陳珮臻。 2014。食真菌性線蟲Aphelenchus avenae、Aphelenchoides composticola、Paraphelenchus acontioides防治萵苣幼苗猝倒病之潛力。 Plant Pathology Bulletin 23:43-53.M. H. Chien, T. T. Tsay, and P. C. Chen. 2014. The interaction between Rhabditis sp. and Meloidogyne incognita, Pratylenchus coffeae on banana. Plant Pathology Bulletin 23:99-108.Fan-Yu Jen, Tung-Tsuan Tsay, Peichen Chen. 2012. Aphelenchoides bicaudatus from ornamental nurseries in Taiwan and its relationship with some agricultural crops. Plant Disease 96(12):1763-1766葉耀仁、蔡東纂、陳珮臻。2012。六種殺蟲劑對三種土壤線蟲的影響。 Plant Pathology Bulletin 21(1):11-19邱建忠、蔡東纂、陳珮臻。2012。施用十種肥料對土壤酸鹼度及南方根瘤線蟲侵入和發育之影響。 Plant Pathology Bulletin 21(1):21-27Shu-Hua Hsieh, Chun-Ju Lin, Peichen Chen. 2012. Sexual Compatibility Different Host-Originated Isolates of Aphelenchoides besseyi and the Inheritance of the Parasitism. PLoS One 7(7): e40886陳珮臻、蔡東纂。2011。三十九種中藥材萃取液對葉芽線蟲及根瘤線蟲的影響。植物保護會刊53:113-122王心瑜、蔡東纂、陳珮臻。2011。非燻蒸性殺線蟲劑於植物組織中之移行作用及不同土壤條件下之殺線蟲效果。植物保護會刊53(3):74-90Peichen Chen, Shih-Chia Liu, Hung-I Liu, Tse-Wei Chen, Kuo-Szu Chiang. 2011. Probability of detecting nematode infestations for quarantine sampling with imperfect extraction efficacy. Journal of Nematology 43(1):16–24Tsai, C.F., Tsay, T.T. and Chen, P.J. 2010. The effect of soil temperature on the penetration and development of three root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne incognita, M. javanica and M. hapla. Plant Pathology Bulletin 19:235-242.H.C. Wu, P.C. Chen, T.T. Tsay. 2010. Assessment of nematode community structure as a bioindicator in river monitoring. Environmental Pollution 158 (5): 1741–1747林冠成、蔡東纂、陳珮臻。2009。台灣山藥根瘤及乾腐病之病原線蟲鑑定與防治。植物保護會刊51(3,4):95-108B. K. Gugino, J. E. Carroll, T. L. Widmer, P. Chen, G. S. Abawi. 2007. An IPM Program for managing fungal leaf blight diseases of carrot in New York. Plant Disease 91:59-65P. Chen, T. T. Tsay. 2006. Effect of crop rotation on Meloidogyne spp. and Pratylenchus spp. population in strawberry fields in Taiwan. Journal of Nematology 38(3):339-344Tung-Tsuan Tsay, Peichen Chen and Wen-Shi Wu. 2006. A new method for isolation and selecting agents with high antagonistic ability against plant parasitic nematodes. 植病會刊15:9-16陳珮臻、黃盈彥、蔡東纂、顏志恒。2006。台灣松樹萎凋病分布與其病原線蟲之研究。植病會刊 15:263-274林新強、陳珮臻、蔡東纂。2004。南方根瘤線蟲在田間對殺線蟲劑之感受性。植病會刊13:335-338Peichien Chen and Philip A. Roberts. 2003. Virulence in Meloidogyne hapla differentiated by resistance in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Nematology, Vol. 5(1), 39-47Peichien Chen and Philip A. Roberts. 2003. Genetic analysis of (a)virulence in Meloidogyne hapla to resistance in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Nematology, Vol. 5(5), 687-697Chen, P. A. Robert, A.E. Metcalfe, and B. C. Hyman. 2003. Nucleotide substitution patterning within the Meloidogyne rDNA D3 region and its evolutionary implications. Journal of Nematology 35(4):404-410Lin, H. C. , Chen, P. C. , and Tasy, T. T. The susceptibility of Meloidogyne incognita to nematicides in fields. Plant Pathology Bulletin 13: 335-338