En-Pei Isabel Chiang
Dr En-Pei Isabel Chiang received her PhD in Biochemical & Molecular Nutrition from Tufts University in 2000 (mentor: Jacob Selhub), and post-doctoral training at UC Berkeley in biochemistry and metabolism (mentor: Barry Shane) in 2003. Chiang initiated her career in 2003 as a tenure-track Assistant Professor, rose through the ranks to Associate Professor in 2007, and Professor in 2011. Currently Chiang is a life-time distinguished professor at National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan. Chiang works in the areas of folate mediated one carbon metabolic kinetics, nutrient-genome interactions, as well as fundamental aspects of nutrient metabolism and regulation. Her research program has been well funded through competitive extramural research grants since the establishment of her independent research career in 2003 and has published her research works in major nutrition, biochemistry, and medical journals. Up to now her publications have been cited over ?? times (on average each cited >30); and has given/chaired >50 presentations at the FASEB, Asian Nutrition Congress, International Union of Nutritional Sciences, International Conference on Food Factors, International Symposium on Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, and other major international conferences. She has received honors from American Society of Nutrition (E.L.R. Stokstad Award), American Association of Cancer Research (Scholar in Training Award); Arthritis Foundation (Doctoral Dissertation Award), Academia Sini
Research Area
Animal Science、Biochemistry、Cell Biology、Clinical Medicine and Medical Care、Food Science and Biotechnology、Immunology、Molecular Biology、Pharmacology、Physiology、Tumor biology